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Creative Considerations for October 2019

Hey everyone. It’s James Bowerman, the Creative Agent coming to you with another episode of creative considerations.

It’s October, 2019 what’s going on with the real estate market in Anne Arundel County? I see a lot, a little red arrows. Things are starting to come down. It goes up very high during the spring and in the summer and then starts to trickle down as the weather cools and so does the market. Oh we got the holidays coming up. Lots of things going on. A lot of real estate agents just checking out this time of year. A lot of other people who are really interested in getting into a home before the holidays come because they want that space to entertain that Thanksgiving in front of the new fireplace, places to hang stockings. Still a lot of people looking to move, just not as much movement. Overall. So we have 76 coming soon. Those are homes not yet available.

I actually got one coming on in Halethorpe and another one in Glen Burnie becoming active within the next 21 days for you to go take a look at 2,193 homes that are active on the market that you can walk into slightly down over the last one under contract 1,426 homes not available. They’re off the market. Somebody got a contract accepted on them. Most likely going to sell in the next 30 to 60 days. 781 homes sold last month in September. Also a number that’s slightly less than the previous month. With less homes available, you’re going to have less homes actually getting to closing 98.7% that’s only up 0.1% homes are still relatively speaking, going for close to list price in some other markets. We’re starting to see it soften a little bit, particularly, you know Baltimore city definitely things slowing down up there. Something to keep an eye on as we move forward.

Again, everything is kinda trending downward at this point, but overall 45 days on market as the average, that’s still pretty quick home sale, which is good for sellers. Not so much for buyers trying to make those last minute decisions and want to be in for the holidays. Now is the time. Let’s make an offer, let’s get it done. Finally down here below we can see that is how many months of inventory are available. Take the active divided by the sold up slightly, 2.8 it was 2.6 last month. Still below that three month threshold. Still making a heavy sellers market don’t seem that changing too quickly anytime soon. That’s pretty much the state of the market currently in Anne Arundel County for October, it’s just slow or time of year and getting ready for the holidays. Interest rates are still really low. Got to take advantage of your buyer before those change.

One last thing I will say, if you are planning on getting out and doing anything this month, be sure to check out wine on the water. It’s at Kurtz’s Beach in Pasadena. Kind of a last hurrah if you want to get without the kids or you can bring the kids. It’s great event. They’ve got wine, they’ve got food, they’ve got entertainment, they’ve got crafts. Lots of cool stuff. I don’t get paid to say that. I just think it’s a really great event. Check it out. It’s October 19th and 20th that’s a Kurtz’s Beach in Pasadena. You can see more or purchase tickets at wineonthewaterfest.com. Thank you so much for watching everybody. If you have any questions, please leave me a comment. I appreciate it and I’ll talk to you soon.

1920 1080 James Bowerman

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