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Creative Considerations for December 2019

Your monthly real estate housing market update for Anne Arundel County with special considerations about the past year and looking forward into 2020.

Hey everyone, it’s James Bowerman with the Real Creative Group of Douglas Realty coming to you with another episode of Creative Considerations. This is the real estate market update in Anne Arundel County for December of 2019, the last one of the year. Want to take a look at what’s going on in the market, what November was like, and then give you a little bit of insight of what it’s been for me this year in 2019.

To start off, let’s take a look at coming soon. We’ve seen a decrease in that, dropping down to only 32 homes in Anne Arundel County that are going to be coming on the market in the next 21 days or so. 1,833 active listings, that number has also come down, and this is kind of expected for the year. Now, the next thing I want to talk about is homes under contract, so 1,274 homes that are no longer available. Buyers have come in, they’ve put in an offer, it’s been accepted, and they are now under contract and no longer available. That is also a decrease in what we’ve seen from last month and pretty typical, again, for this time of year.

651 homes sold in the month of November in Anne Arundel County. With less homes on the market, we’re going to see less homes also being sold. As I throw up the chart here for you to look at, we can see where it’s going to be probably once December wraps up and then into January, finally seeing it start to tick back up as we enter into February.

This is the list to sold price ratio in November. This has gone from 96.3 to 98.3% so sellers are getting a little bit closer to where they originally listed the home. Last one I’m going to take a look at, it hasn’t changed at all since the previous month in October. That means if you put your home on the market, it’s average going to sit there for about 46 days before it goes under contract and you can get it sold.

A lot of that is sounding pretty similar to the last couple months as we’ve seen a slow down in the market as we typically do this time of year. The good news is, if you’re thinking about selling your home, these are going to be more motivated buyers and I touched on this in the last video. These buyers who are going out during the holiday season, during these cold months, they are serious about buying a home. These sellers who are still active, they are serious as well so with fewer homes on the market for sale you’re also looking at less competition.

A little bit of a bright side there, if you are listing this time of year, I actually got two of my listings under contract during the Thanksgiving break. Again, this is the last month of 2019 before we jump into 2020. I want to take a second and just thank everyone who’s watching. I want to thank all of my clients, all of my friends, my family members, my colleagues, everyone that’s been a fan and supported me. I’ve had a record breaking year and I’m happy to announce moving from the creative agent into the Real Creative Group, kind of a big step for me in 2020.

I want to continue to be able to help more and more people and take the things that have worked very well for me in this last year and start to implement those and build a team around that to really support more people within the community. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, rent or invest, I’m happy to help so please reach out and contact me if that’s a goal for you. In 2020, big things are coming and I couldn’t have done it without you so thank you again so much for watching. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I will see you in 2020.

1920 1080 James Bowerman

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