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Leveraging Technology During the COVID-19 Quarantine

Hey everyone, I wanted to take a minute to shoot this video using my Ricoh Theta 360-degree camera to show you how we can leverage technology to show homes virtually during this time of uncertainty.

As I’m talking, you can actually look around this room and get a feel for the space or you can pause it and take some more time. And this is a really cool feature that we’ll use with all of our sellers who are looking to showcase their home so buyers can get on their phone or the website and walk through the space and get a feel for the entire house. But if you’re also looking to buy, this is a cool tool that we can use to go and tour homes for you and get you a feel of the home itself, just like we’re doing now.

I’m going to walk through the home here into the kitchen, just to give you an example, you can look at me or you can turn around and look at the kitchen. And again, you can pause this at any time to get more of a sense of the space, you can zoom in even. So very cool stuff that we’re using. If you’re in quarantine and you can’t get out or you’re thinking about buying or selling, this is a great feature that we can provide for all of our clients.

If you have any questions or comments, leave them below. Happy to help you out. Thanks for watching. Be well, and we’ll see you again soon.

1920 1080 James Bowerman

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