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How to Prepare Your Home to Sell

People typically make decisions using a combination of emotion and logic, but the emotional part of the brain always fires first. When it comes to looking at homes, a homebuyer might feel more strongly about one property over another, even if the logical choice is clear. Understanding this basic human psychology is why we always recommend preparing your home to sell, in order to optimize it’s visual and emotional appeal.

According to a recent study by NAR, eighty-two percent of buyers said staging a home made it easier for them to visualize the property as a future home. https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/profile-of-home-staging

Our 5 Point Staging Audit

1. Curb Appeal – Make a good first impression

The first impression a potential buyer gets of your home is important. This first impression, often called curb appeal, can be the difference between getting someone in the door or not.

There are a few key things you can do to improve your curb appeal and make that first impression a good one. First, keep your lawn trimmed and neat. Secondly, make sure your landscaping is attractive and well-maintained. Finally, paint your front door and add some colorful flowers near the entrance to give your home some extra pizazz.

2. Lighten Up – Let in the sun and use neutral colors

Few things can make a room feel more alive and lighten up your home like natural light. To make the most of it, remove any heavy curtains blocking the windows and open the blinds. You might even want to consider changing out window treatments altogether for something lighter and airier.

When it comes to paint colors, light neutrals are best for reflecting light. Steer clear of dark walls, which will absorb light and make the space feel smaller.

3. Depersonalize – Pack up family photos and items

Family photos and personal items can make it difficult for potential buyers to imagine the home as their own. By packing these items away, you can help create a blank slate that buyers can imagine filling with their own belongings.

In addition, depersonalizing your home can also help to reduce your emotional attachment to the property, making it easier to stay objective during negotiations.

4. Declutter – Create more usable space

Before listing your home for sale, it’s important to declutter and create more usable space. This will make your home feel bigger, which is appealing to potential buyers. Decluttering also allows potential buyers to visualize the layout of the home and see how their own belongings would fit in the space.

To declutter, start by removing any items that are no longer needed or used. This includes clothes, furniture, knick-knacks, and appliances. Next, consider storing items that you still need but don’t use on a daily basis. This could include seasonal clothing, holiday decorations, and sports equipment. Finally, organize remaining items so that they are easy to access and put away.

5. Decorate – Focus on the functionality of a room

When selling your home, it is important to decorate in a way that will appeal to potential buyers. Focus on the functionality of each room and how it could be used.

You might also want to consider professionally staging your home. This involves bringing in furniture and decor that will help potential buyers to imagine themselves living in your home. By decorating your home in a neutral and inviting way, you can help to increase its appeal to potential buyers.

Preparing for a Successful Launch

Our process starts when you meet with our certified home staging partner. They will help you prepare your home so buyers can visualize it as their own and fall in love. We also provide stress-free home staging services to transform any vacant property.

Compass Concierge

Get fronted for the cost of home improvement services with no interest — ever. Compass Concierge is the hassle-free way to sell your home faster and for a higher price with services like staging, flooring, painting, and more.

If you’re looking to sell your home in the near future, it’s important to start preparing now. One of the best ways to make sure your house stands out from the competition is by making your home look as appealing as possible to potential buyers. Our team can help you with that, with a free and confidential home analysis. contact us today for more information!

1200 675 James Bowerman

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